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Configuring Your Divvi Mobile App

Divvi Mobile apps are configured through a single configuration object passed to createApp. By default, you get a fully functioning Divvi app with sensible defaults.

Since Divvi Mobile is built on top of Expo, you also get all the benefits of a standard Expo app. This means you can use any Expo configuration options, plugins, and features as documented in the Expo documentation. Common Expo configurations like app icons, splash screens, and native modules can be configured through your app.json or app.config.js file.

Basic Configuration

The minimal configuration requires just a few key properties:

import { createApp } from '@divvi/mobile'

const App = createApp({
// Unique identifier for your app
registryName: 'my-divvi-app',
// Display name shown to users
displayName: 'My Divvi App',
// URL scheme for deep linking
deepLinkUrlScheme: 'mydivviapp',

Customizing Your App

You can customize various aspects of your app by adding optional configuration:

Integrating with the Divvi Protocol

Earn Divvi rewards based on the value your users bring to the blockchain protocols you integrate with. To register your app with the Divvi Protocol, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the Divvi Protocol registration form.
  2. Once your registration is processed, your app will be registered to the selected protocols, and Divvi rewards will start accruing based on user activity.

To enable Divvi Protocol integration, add the divviProtocol configuration to your app:

const App = createApp({
// ... basic config
divviProtocol: {
referrerId: 'YourAppName', // Use the same value as in the Divvi Protocol registration form
protocolIds: ['somm', 'celo'], // Replace with the protocols selected in the Divvi Protocol registration form

Theme Customization

Divvi Mobile allows you to customize the look and feel of your app through the themes configuration. Note that currently only a single theme is supported.

import WelcomeLogo from './assets/WelcomeLogo'
import BrandLogo from './assets/BrandLogo'

const App = createApp({
// ... basic config
themes: {
default: {
isDark: false, // Specify if your app is dark mode
colors: {
// Customize your app's color scheme
backgroundPrimary: '#FFFFFF',
contentPrimary: '#000000',
accent: '#007AFF',
// See API reference for all available color options
assets: {
// Custom logos and images
welcomeLogo: WelcomeLogo,
brandLogo: BrandLogo,
onboardingSuccessImage: require('./assets/onboarding-success.png'),
// See API reference for all available asset options

Tips for Theming

Use brand colors consistently
Align buttons, text, and backgrounds with your brand identity to create a cohesive user experience.

Test contrast & accessibility
Ensure text and UI elements remain readable, especially for users with visual impairments. Use high-contrast colors where necessary.

Optimize asset sizes
Provide high-resolution images and icons to ensure crisp visuals across different devices. For best results, include multiple asset sizes (@1.5x, @2x, @3x, and @4x). This prevents pixelation on high-density screens and avoids unnecessary upscaling, keeping your app looking sharp.

Tab Navigation

import { createApp } from '@divvi/mobile'
import { HomeIcon } from './components/icons'
import { HomeScreen } from './screens/Home'

const App = createApp({
// ... basic config
screens: {
tabs: ({ defaultTabs }) => ({
screens: [
// Custom home tab
name: 'home',
component: HomeScreen,
icon: ({ focused, color, size }) => (
label: (t) => t('home.tabLabel'),
// Default tabs
initialScreen: 'home',

Custom Screens

Beyond tabs, you can add custom screens that can be navigated to from anywhere in your app:

import { createApp } from '@divvi/mobile'
import CustomScreen from './screens/CustomScreen'

const App = createApp({
// ... basic config
screens: {
// Tab configuration...
custom: (Screen) => (
headerBackVisible: true, // Show back button
headerShown: true, // Show navigation header

To enable type-safe navigation, define your screen parameters:

import { NativeStackScreenProps, StackParamList } from '@divvi/mobile'

// Define your screen parameters
type RootStackParamList = StackParamList & {
CustomScreen: {
someParam: string

// Create type-safe screen props
type RootStackScreenProps<T extends keyof RootStackParamList> = NativeStackScreenProps<

// Enable type-safe navigation globally
declare global {
namespace DivviNavigation {
interface RootParamList extends RootStackParamList {}

Now you get full type safety when navigating:

import { navigate } from '@divvi/mobile'

// TypeScript will ensure you provide the correct parameters
function handleSomeAction() {
navigate('CustomScreen', {
someParam: 'value', // Required! TypeScript will error if missing

And in your screen component:

import { NativeStackScreenProps } from '@divvi/mobile'

// Type-safe screen component
function CustomScreen({ route }: RootStackScreenProps<'CustomScreen'>) {
const { someParam } = route.params // Fully typed!

return (
// Your screen content

Optional Features

const App = createApp({
// ... basic config
features: {
// Enable cloud backup
cloudBackup: true,
// WalletConnect integration
walletConnect: {
projectId: 'your-project-id',
// Analytics
segment: {
apiKey: 'your-segment-key',


const App = createApp({
// ... basic config
locales: {
'en-US': {
// Override specific translation keys
'welcome.title': 'Welcome to My App',
'es-419': {
'welcome.title': 'Bienvenido a Mi App',

Configuration Reference

For a complete list of configuration options, see the API reference or check the type definition:

import type { PublicAppConfig } from '@divvi/mobile'

Best Practices

  1. Start Simple: Begin with the minimal configuration and add customizations as needed
  2. Type Safety: Use TypeScript to ensure your configuration is valid
  3. Asset Management: Keep custom assets in an organized directory structure
  4. Feature Flags: Use the features object to enable/disable functionality
  5. Theme Consistency: Maintain a consistent theme across your app using the theme configuration