You’ve established your target market, your competition, and what differentiates you in the market. Now you’re going to develop an outline for how you get people to download and start using your app.
You have prioritized a set of go-to-market strategies and tactics to acquire users.
Exercise #1 | Engagement Strategies
Read the description of 3 Types of Engagement Strategies and think about which are the best fit your team in terms of: resources, audience, expertise.
Exercise #2 | Identifying Channels
- What external channels is your target audience engaging with?
- Where do they find information about solutions to their problem?
- Where do they find information about your competitors?
- Where are they interacting with other people and your competitors?
- What (if any) channels do you already have available?
- Which channels fit best with your preferred engagement strategies?
Exercise #3 | Identifying Growth Strategies
Generate a list of ideas for each of the following questions:
- How do you get people to know your app exists? (brand awareness)
- How do you get people to understand what your product does and why it is better than competitors? (product education)
- How do you get people to visit your website and/or app store page to download your app? (owned-channel traffic
Within each list, rank the ideas based on which you think will be most impactful at achieving that goal.
Exercise #4 | Goal/Strategy/Tactics Framework
- Read the Goal/Strategy/Tactics Framework Primer
- Complete the Framework Worksheet for each of the 3 strategies you chose in Exercise #3.